What Bars Should I Get?

what bars

What bars? A handy online resource for comparing handlebar shapes and sizes, so you can get a grip on the details that matter.

What bars should I get? The first sensory experience anyone feels when they get on a bike is the handlebars and the grips. This immediate tactile sensation foretells just how the ride will go… will it be fast and aerodynamic in the drops? Does the flare help with the off-road endeavour that lies ahead? Is that rise and sweep enough for me to get comfortable on my journey?

Often choosing handlebars can be confusing, what’s the difference between Bar A and Bar B? Stores might not stock the complete range and its hard to visualise feel in a multitude of numbers of varying dimensions.

Thankfully, What Bars? with its database of popular handlebars and its ability to superimpose graphically one bar over another aids in comparisons and helps us visualise what the details are in a technical graph that is attractive and compelling. Altogether an invaluable aid to making a decision on what bars to purchase.


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