Coffee outside Christchurch is a once a month event held somewhere nice in Christchurch. Gather around with fine people for a morning beverage. It celebrates the twin forces of bicycles and coffee that makes the world go round.
Coffee Outside Christchurch #coffeeoutsidechch
House Rules:
- You should preferably turn up on your bike and bring your own equipment to make your drink. There may be others who would share with you if asked politely.
- Bring your own equipment. Show others how its done outside. We welcome most manners of beverages but zero tolerance for anti-social behaviour. Want to turn up but without all the equipment? Bring your own cup and some delicious wholesome food for barter!
- Be a tidy Kiwi. Show your respect for the environment and dispose of your rubbish, better yet show us your eco-energy efficient methods.
- Put work aside and enjoy this morning as a time to be invigorated and ready to tackle the challenges of the day ahead.
Why Join?
The last decade of developments in technology and car-centric planning has reduced values we treasure as human beings – Pleasant urban environments, face to face camaderie with fellow citizens. Gatherings that aren’t about consumption are more important than ever before.
Christchurch is your city too! Its public spaces and its cycle facilities are yours to use. Places that you just won’t stop by with your car you would very much enjoy biking to. Make friends with active locals who care very much for this city and spend a relaxing morning connecting with people.
So come discover a part of the city that you’ve never connected with, make new connections with like minded riders over a cup of brew. You’ll never know what new adventure blooms from a morning after coffee outside.