CCC Long Term Plan: Have Your Say

The Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan is open for Submissions until 13 April 2018. The Long Term Plan has delayed the completion of the Major Cycleways Project until the middle of 2028.

Did you know, for every dollar spent on Major Cycleways, the citizens get $8 of benefits and two thirds of each dollar spent so far has been provided by Central Government.

Why wait for these benefits? Tell the Council you would like the Cycleways delivered sooner by submitting on the LTP.



  • Visit the Council LTP page on their website here.
  • Towards the bottom of the page is the submission form. Enter your personal details and say you would like to present your submission in person at a hearing (this adds weight to your submission and you can decline later if it is not your thing).
  • In the first box about the big question enter something like “Please complete the Major Cycleways Projects by 2021 as originally promised.
  • You do not need to enter anything else. If you wish to make a comment in the Transport section you could say that “more spending on Cycleways gives people the freedom to chose alternative transport modes.”
  • At the bottom is a place to add documents, don’t bother unless you have something.
  • Click the SUBMIT button.

A few things we think are important for cycling in Christchurch.

  • Revisit, improve and deliver the implied promise of Share and Idea and transport plans
  • Expand & accelerate delivery of all the Major Cycle Routes and the Local Cycle Network
  • Include funding for Travel Demand Management, TDM, Education and Promotion.
  • Make well designed cycling infrastructure a standard part of all transport projects as is currently done with footpaths
  • Include and fund cycle parking everywhere it is needed, commercial, bus stops, etc.

Submissions close 13th April 2018. Thanks for showing your love for Cycling!

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